Celebrating the strange, awkward poses and generally misguided choices people make to sell clothes on ebay.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Yay Halloween!

Folks, it is about time for my favorite holiday of the year -- Halloween! Probably at this point I should just leave it to kids to celebrate, but living in New York allows me to get dressed up with thousands of other New Yorkers every year and have fun. I love the creativity, the cuteness, the bizarre-o-ness, the humor and everything in between that Halloween brings out. It reminds me of my crafty days where I made all my costumes as a kid. It reminds me of blissful childhood nights where we could safely cruise the neighborhood for bagfuls of CANDY. And it all happens during the most beautiful time of year where the leaves are crunching underfoot and there's a crispness to the air. eBay is a wealth of entertainment during Halloween. I've gathered some of the best for you to enjoy this week. Yes, a whooooooole week.

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